Saturday, August 19, 2006

Western Phrasing

"He's just spittin' out words to see where they splatter."
~John Wayne in "The Comancheros"~

My husband is watching this movie tonight.
When I heard this phrase,
it stuck to me like old gum under a church pew. (my own phrase)
I thought it was rather witty.
I can just imagine words splattering across the room,
sticking to people's chests and faces,
a few of them dripping off their chins like water.

It's a phrase that ranks right up there
with my first land-lady's phrase
when I put new curtains over the window in our back door.
"Those are purtier than a speckled pup!" She chimed happily.
We were renting from a local cattle rancher...
in actual truth, speckled pups ARE 'purty' to them.

I've been waiting for years to use her phrase,
but it just never seems to be the right time.
Oh, I've thought about using it in front of my inlaws
a time or two, especially since they think I'm a hillbilly anyhow.
It seems I just never have the nerve.
Heh, heh...
I do go barefoot in the yard as often as possible in front of them though.
That blows them away!

I really do I love the west!
True western language is so picturesque!


At 10:06 AM, Blogger Ultreya said...

bare foot... i used to when i was a child in england run around our big garden bare foot then open the back gate which led into a field and there i would meet my friend jackie and we would run around barefoot together... still in our nighties! all the morning dew... so cool and fresh, thank you for bringing that memory back DD

At 8:55 PM, Blogger Desert Dreamer said...

CS...good to see you! I love your blog!

Marin...It sounds WONDERFUL! I'm glad you shared that memory with me! Thanks...I can imagine the dewy field grass on my bare feet now!

At 9:10 AM, Blogger Chris Dickson, F.L.A. said...

There is a new Franciscan Priest at the church in Oldenburg, Indiana. A couple years ago, while pastoring a different parish, he encountered a woman who refused to come to church because she was so poor she couldn't afford shoes. "Come to Mass on Sunday, and I'll guarantee you won't be the only one there barefoot," he replied.

From that day on, Father will only say Mass in his bare feet.

At 9:14 AM, Blogger myosotis said...

That's beautiful, and very Franciscan.

At 9:28 AM, Blogger Desert Dreamer said...

How wonderful the Franciscan way of life is! It's natural, don't you think? I's what people SHOULD think like.


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