Saturday, September 30, 2006


I've come to the conclusion that my life is not my own. It seems that every day I think it's going to be different. I'm going to find time to sit down and read a good book for a few minutes or maybe I'll just sit. WHO KNOWS?
Well, I guess it doesn't happen that way.
Every day this week I have had something to do until 3 p.m. and then I rush home to get a few minutes of prayer and a lunch and maybe a little rest and then pick up where I left off on my house cleaning. I think the worst part of every day is all the unexpected extras that life has been kicking out at me.
Taking my son by the therapists unannounced on Wednesday right after lunch revealed that he will be out for 8 weeks as his knee heals. Of course, that took 2 extra hours out of a day that had primarily up until then been bottle feeding my 2 kittens I'm raising by hand and trying to catch up with the laundry.
After that, we all went and cleaned a home and then we rushed off to town to buy a birthday gift for my sister in law whose birthday is today and get a few groceries and finally, to clean the office. 9 p.m. I'm home! YAY!
Thursday morning I went early to clean a home then I had to run and get distemper shots for all my kittens (6) and have my girlfriend give them the shots because I'm a weenie and can't do it. Running to get shots means a whole hour driving and then getting the kittens gathered and getting their shots was another hour. TADAH! I'm home by 4 p.m. today! There are lots of things to do because we are one vehicle short and I have to clean out my jeep so that Kade can go get photos taken for football.
Friday, I have 2 houses to clean. I get those done and begin working on digging out again at home for the 3rd time this week. I have very little time because my mother in law is calling and requesting that I come get peaches that are getting too ripe and Kade needs to see his boss so he will know what he's found out and I have to stop at the drugstore and get sinus medicine for allergies and...well, you get the picture...then I come home, bathe, and go watch football games! YAY! :| I go because my son's there as you already know...LOL...but I did win a chocolate banana bread last night sitting beautifully upon a plate rimmed with lighthouses! Yeah, I think that was worth it. Got home at 10 p.m. Of course, I am bottle feeding these kittens every 5 hours unless I'm not here and then my son takes over. I get up once in the night and feed them as well... EVERY DAY!

Saturday we awoke to the fact that our refrigerator out in the pump house has quit freezing and cooling and all the strawberries and corn I have put up are melting rapidly. The bread is OK, but needs to be put somewhere so I cleaned out the chest freezer we own and put everything out of the one that doesn't work in with the good stuff. I decided to clean my refrigerator in the house at the same time because I was already in the thick of it.
1 p.m. I made lunch...I just finished it, it was delicious. I had Spanish rice and bbq chicken with green beans.
Now, it's 2:00 p.m. I am doing laundry and I have many things to do like vacuum and take some of my mini blinds down and wash the 1/4 inch thick dust from them. I'm beginning to wonder when life will slow down a bit so I don't feel so overwhelmed!

On that note, I am taking a virtual vacation and am inviting you all along.
Click here for the first vacation.
And here for the next.
And here and here. Be sure to enlarge your picture screen by clicking on the small icon on the bottom right below the movies.
God bless, and I hope you have a wonderful vacation.


At 7:34 PM, Blogger Gabrielle said...

Well, our jobs may be different, and our commitments may vary, but I can relate 100 percent to this post, desert dreamer. When I clicked on the first of the four videos, I almost had to physically restrain myself in the chair, because I thought I could not afford the time to watch one, let alone four. But I did, and I'm glad I did. They are beautiful, and just what the doctor ordered. Doctor desert dreamer, thank you for the mini-vacation.

At 9:03 AM, Blogger Desert Dreamer said...



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