Tuesday, July 18, 2006

What makes me happy

Ok, I admit it...I'm anxious....
It happens every year about this time. It has since I was little and mom and dad sent me to second grade. The summer of first grade would have been bad had I known what first grade would be like. I hated first grade from day one because the principal came in with 5th grade boys and paddled them for chewing gum in school....with a threatening look he pointed his paddle at the 1st grade class, most of which had never been away from their parents and said, "You WILL be next if you chew gum!"

Half of the class went home early, including me.

The rest of the year the 1st grade class hid from the principal anytime we saw him outside of our class...in class we cringed as he walked through.

It seems that this time of year brings on that anxiousness within me. I'm half depressed, half anxious and half wondering why. (that's too many halves, I know.)
The sky turns a smoky color each year, the grain is beginning to be harvested and there are fires everywhere, sometimes right out my back door. The smell of sagebrush and burnt wheat seems to permeate everything.
I think I've had fibromyalgia since I was young and there have been times it becomes prominent in my life and other times it goes into a sort of remission and things go better. Could this be the reason for such stupidity? WHO KNOWS! Fibromyalgia is a stupid thing...taking up much of my time, either with the chronic fatigue/depression end of it or with the pain and allergy/sensitivity it causes.

You know what? It seems to take up so much of my life that I don't want to talk about it tonight and allow it to take up more.

Now, back to my thoughts of what makes me happy in no particular order....

Friends who post beautiful messages of love and the need to love others.
My family being with me in the evenings as the day closes and we all are sharing what happened throughout the day.
My faith in God.
My pets (especially Chuck and Rosie as they try to make me realize how much they love me even if it is just so they will get a puppy treat!)
The beauty of the golden evenings.
The realization that even if I can't run this stupid website the way I would prefer, people aren't looking at it to be "like everyone else's" but are looking here to see what my life is like today.
The knowledge that people I know have been saved (perhaps by their angels) from terrible circumstances. ;-)
My husband's hugs.
My son's reassurances.
The fact that if everyone else were to abandon me I would have God to give me strength.
The humming bird that looked at me through the window after work and told me with impatience in his eye that I had let the feeder run out of sugar water.
That a dear friend is home tonight and is safe after being out in the heat too long.
That angels watch over those I love.

One last thing that doesn't really make me happy but I will live with it...
That I can't upload the beautiful photo tonight to add to this post. Maybe tomorrow morning it'll work for me.

God bless all who read this.


At 7:12 AM, Blogger Ultreya said...

Desert Dreamer, where do i start? you have beautiful writing, i have just read EVERYTHING! my friend above, forget me not suggested your blog and i am so glad she did. and probably because we sound a little similar at times, and also i think because i also have fibromyalgia, is it because be have fm we sound likeminded, or the other way around!?!

i used to belong to the fm assoc back in england, but there was no one close to me, and through a bizarre happending at work i was introduced to a lady who has it, i think i´ll put that long story on my blog tho'!

sorry gone off track, usual for me! just wanted to say i have enjoyed your blog and will pass by to see how your doing...

At 7:17 AM, Blogger Desert Dreamer said...

FMN, we should get together and visit, I know. School was a nightmare for me and I decided that there was no way I would put my own children through 12 years of that. Our youngest son has played sports for the last 3 years at our local public school and has seen the reality of today...it doesn't matter how well behaved you are, or how good you do at your class or game or work, it's how much stink you can cause that gets attention. Oh well, life goes on. He is a good Christian young man and has had his trials already. I pray that he won't be given more than he can overcome.

At 7:23 AM, Blogger Desert Dreamer said...

First of all, I humbly thank you for the "beautiful writing" statement. I don't think I am very good at all. I just know what is on my heart and I try to put it in words...they don't always come out too well.
I have had FM since my youngest child turned 6 months old, he's now 18 years of age so that makes it a while.(Well, at least it has been diagnosed since then.) I know there are some that had it much longer than I and I feel for them.
I've learned that having FM makes people think they have to take care of you and I even had one lady tell me what I should think about each situation as if my brain was so out of it that there was no way I could ever make a decision on my own. Maybe that's why I have trouble with friendships...you have to understand the trouble with FM...it comes, it goes...it comes, it stays for a long time...it goes. ICK!
Yes, I would love to get to know you better. Thank you for the post!


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