Thursday, July 13, 2006

What are they thinking?

Another war has begun...even while we are at war still.
Did I say, "they"? I should have said, "We"!
Is there anything any one Person can do?
Sadly, the answer is no...and joyfully the answer is yes!
No, we cannot stand in the way of two countries that choose to wage war upon one another physically.
But yes, if we so choose to be the one that requests,
who begs,
and prays....
We can be of some help.
Perhaps the only help for these dreadful days.
Pray for peace,
Pray for an end to all war,
To all the battles big and small:
From the homeless child that is passed by on the street corner
And the beggar who drinks soda out of the trashcan...
To the man who comes home from war with burns on his face
Or missing arms and legs...
To the man who comes home in a casket with only his family to mourn him...
To those who never come home...
To those who serve, who die bravely and still no one cares...
pray, pray, pray for them all!
We are His hands...
We are His body...
Can we sit by, and say to ourselves, "What a shame" and never pray?
Beg for peace until it is heard through the depths of the heavens!
Please...I humbly ask for your prayers...
May God protect us...
May God be with us...
May God teach us...
May God help us...

Save us from ourselves!

Today's news


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