Monday, October 16, 2006


This is Gus.
Gus has had a very hard life. It wasn't because he lacked lots of love and TLC, it was because his mother abandoned him and his 4 siblings this fall. He is approximatley 8 to 9 weeks old. He has suffered through bouts of illness and has had a fungus outbreak because his immune system is weak, hence the name Gus. He is the only one left in his family, the others were just too weak to make it.
Gus was doing great yesterday. He was sitting happily in front of the fireplace soaking up the heat and around 9 p.m. last night he started acting funny and walking dizzily.
I took him to a friend who works with animals and she said that he has distemper, she thinks and gave him some mega doses of antibiotics (again).
Gus is adorable, sweet and loving.
I'm so tired of caring for sick kittens, but I love this little guy so much and I've put in a good 7 weeks day and night on this guy already! Maybe a few prayers are in order to save him. It couldn't hurt.
I know this sounds silly, but if you find time in your day, could you all pray that he makes it through this?
Thank you so much!

After I posted this story, Gus got up and ate an enormous amount of cat food and went back to sleep. Then when I got home this afternoon, he drank milk from a bottle and is now sleeping again.
Again, I thank anyone out there for their prayers, I have this tremendous urging to care for God's creatures. I don't think that He gets upset when one prays for the creatures of the earth, especially since he has entrusted them all to our care and us to His.


At 4:48 PM, Blogger Lili said...

He is so cute! Will be praying for you!

At 10:19 PM, Blogger Mountain Mama said...

I don't think it is at all silly to pray for our little critters. My sister once prayed for a blind cat, that the Lord would restore it's sight and guess what? Yep, the cat's sight was restored. God loves his animals even more than we do. I have prayed for your dear little orphan and I hope he growns into a big strong Cat.
God bless you for having such a caring spirit.

At 8:59 AM, Blogger Desert Dreamer said...

Thank you both very much. His eye is on the sparrow, you know! Gus is doing better today. He still has some trouble, but he's eating like a horse so if that's any indication, he's going to be fine.
Thanks again!

At 12:55 PM, Blogger myosotis said...

Yay Gus, hang in there!

At 2:28 PM, Blogger Desert Dreamer said...

Yes, I've learned quite a bit from raising them from itty bitty kittens. I begun with the milk made just for kittens and have move on to evaporated goat milk. It works very well and is much more reasonable than the kitten milk. I'm always sure to test it before we go on with the feeding. I've also got one more distemper shot to give the little guy before he will be immune to all that stuff too.
Thanks for the prayers again and for yours too, FMN!

At 6:26 AM, Blogger Chris Dickson, F.L.A. said...

...Francis and his companions went on their way, as well, praising and thanking God whom all creatures venerate and humbly acknowledge."

Celano - First Life

St. Francis often times preached to the animals as though they were of human origin and they would gather around him and listen intently...

At 11:27 AM, Blogger Desert Dreamer said...

Amen, Brother Lesser!
I believe that all of creation loves to hear of the Creator, don't you?


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