Wednesday, July 12, 2006


On Kittens...

Ok, I admit it, I'm crazy about kittens! I can sit and watch them for hours and laugh until I'm blue in the face. They are absolutely the most wonderful joy to have around....until they grow up, that is. Then life takes on a whole new meaning to a cat, they are there for their own purpose, not to please anyone...but that's another story.

I live in a rural area so there seems to always be enough cats to go around. Presently we have approximately 9 kittens and a few too many mother-to-be kittens. I gave 2 kittens away yesterday to a couple of girls visiting their grandmother down the road, the youngest of the girls was intent on keeping my 11 year old blind siamese neutered tom cat and I kept telling her that it was "an old kitty and was blind, you don't want him." but she thought different on the matter.

Finally she decided on a little calico that was the first one to greet me when mother kitty decided it was time for her kittens to be shown to the world. A year ago, this mother kitty was the most wild thing on 4 feet you could ever imagine. Today, she sits docily and purrs while I play with her kittens and even comes over for a few pats and rubs herself. What gets into a cat to change is anyone's guess.

Anyhow, I gave away 2 kittens and have 4 more going soon...I know I have too many, but dang if I don't worry about them and miss them when they are gone! I guess I feel like a traitor as they leave, looking at me longingly as if maybe they are just going to be gone for a few minutes. I think the girls probably even slept with them last night too!

Ah, but I love my kittens...they are the sweetest things. I love to watch them play with one another and pounce at things imagined in the grass. When mother kitty brings in a mouse it is especially interesting to watch as she teaches them that they are food. "WHAT???!!??" They say as they can only think of mother's milk at the time..."You expect us to EAT THAT???!?!? EEEWWWW!" Eventually, they train their tastebuds for the flavor of fresh kill and realize that they love it ( How anything could enjoy eating a mouse is beyond me!) then mother has a hard time bringing enough of them in!

Their antics are a bit for my flowers though, my hollyhocks are now laying flat to the ground as they've been climbed several times until they simply can't handle the pressure. My butterfly bushes seem to be taking it pretty well, they seem to bounce back annd don't show too much of the stress of climbing. Potted plants now have wire screens in them to keep the kittens from deciding that my flowers must go because the soft dirt is easier to make into a restroom than the field or flower bed.

I remember once bringing a kitten in at my grandmother's house and laying on the floor with it. I think I was asleep as soon as I hit the floor. Their soft little bodies are so soothing when they choose to lay peacefully beside you. I have had my share of kittens in my life, it seems. Which is good because I couldn't imagine life without them.

I admit it...I'm crazy about kittens!


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